Emily McCoy Shares
The modern world often eclipses, or actively undermines, emotional and mental wellbeing. Fast pace, pressure and comparison, information overload, technologies and businesses which drive dissatisfaction and consumerism, vulnerability hidden inside and feelings of isolation, powerlessness and shame. We “connect” to many but lack true community and authentic relationships.
The fundamentals of emotional and mental health seem increasingly hard to find or sustain but they are needed more than ever;
Self-acceptance and an understanding of who we are and what we truly need.
Human connection and empathic support, where we can make sense of ourselves.
Access to genuine and robust insight, wisdom and information,
Empowerment - living with intentional choice for the wellbeing of ourselves, others and our world.
Through more than 7,500 therapy hours and over ten years of work, I have helped people find themselves and claim their lives.
Now, I am stepping up to offer more of my experience to more people - through 121 therapy or mentoring, in groups of compassion and community, through my writing - a book on healing and living (it's coming...) and on social media (Instagram @emily.mccoy.shares) and through speaking at events, workplaces and conferences.
If, like me, you feel the need for change in yourself or in the world, get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.

Work With Me

My Story
Therapist - Mentor - Writer - Human
My work isn't a job. It's a deep passion to help more people make sense of themselves and find acceptance and empowerment. To share, with as many people as possible, what I have learnt in my years of personal growth, training and work as a therapist. I have expertise and wisdom to share but I am also human - in the mix of life; struggling, facing challenges, managing my own demons, finding ways to live with purpose and intention. I believe I have an amazing life. But it will always involve some struggle.